How's the weather like in April for Mt.Siguniang (Four girls Mountain)? If you would like to plan a travel for Mt.Siguniang also call Four Girls mountain or Four Sisters Mountains in April and would like to know find out how to best plan this travel? Then here we are ready to offer our suggestions.
Generally speaking April to June is the spring time for Mt.Siguniang, it starts to warm up and ice begin to meltdown in lower altitude place, the valley, mountains and grasslands starts to change into light green colors. Some folowers are ready to be in blossoms and the oxgyen percertage in the air is getting higher compared to the Winter season. However while the mountains peaks are still covered in Snow so it is a wonderful season to plan a travel for the Mountain peaks if you like snow with gorgegou scenarly. Most of the time, the weather is very clear, so tourists expect to see great view at the top of the mountain with sunrise and cloud sea. A travel to Mt.Siguniang in April is recommennded.
Average temperature for Mt.Siguniang in April : 6.5℃, average rain drop :60mm.
Highest temperature : 15 ℃
Lowest Temperature : 2 below ℃
Down jacket, trekking boots, sweat shirts. It's very dry in April with less rainfall and sunlight is very strong so need to bring suncream, sunhat and sunglasses to avoid sunburt.
The three valleys : Changping Valley, Shuangqiao Valley and Haizi Valley are all good time to do the sightseeing and trekking. For Changping Valley, you can plan a one day trekking or two days trekking with one night camp at Muluozi Camp site.
One day trek route: Take the shuttle bus to Lama temple and trek 15km to Muluozi Camp via Ganzhaizi lake and then retun. The total trekking hour would be around 7- 8 hours according to travelers body conditions.
If you're plan a two day trekking tour, then trek about 15km to Muluozi and camp there. For this will need to used local agency like China Adventure to get your permission park to camp inside the valley. If you are planning a family travel, the kids would really love this option. Some pictures from Changping Valley view in April
For Shuang Qiao Valley which is also regarded as "Small Jiuzhaigou Park" so from the name, you see the beautiful of Shuangqiao Valley is as comparable as Jiuzhaigou National Park. Like Jiuzhaigou Park, Shuangqiao Valley also has a vast area where the tourists will need to take shuttle bus with some walking to do the sightseeing. The visit of this park could take a whole day to finish or at least a half day tour. In this valley, you can meet many local Tibetan people and Nomad in this area. It woul be very nice for you to picnic there in this valley. The scenaries in April for Shuangqiao Valley is very beautiful. Some pictures from Shuangqiao Valley in April
Haizi Valley is only for trekking route as it's very easy for tourists get lost in Haizi valley, so for tourits who would like to hike in Haizi valley will also need register and get permission paper. Trekking tour in Haizi valley takes about 3 to 5 days. Haizi Valley is also the entrance for Mountain climbing for The two peaks for Mt.Siguniang. Dafeng peak ( 5025m) and Erfeng Peak ( 5276m). Some photos for Haizi Valley in April for Mt.Siguniang
If you are outdoor lovers and would like to challenge yourself for snow mountain climbs then come to do this adventurous trek in April is definintely one of the best choice. April is with amiable weather but it is also very dry, so there will be less rainfall or snow fall but the mountain peaks are still covered in snow, it will make your mountain climb much eaiser without comprising any peak view. April - June is the best time for Mountain Climbing. Mt.Siguniang, Dafeng and Erfeng Peak view in April
Generally speaking, April is one of the best season for Mt.Siguniang visit. Whether you are planning to do a sightseeing tours for the three valley or you would like to come to challenge yourself, all are good options. Feel free to send your inquiry to to plan your travel for Mt.Siguniang
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